Course Description

Welcome to the S2 FAST Control Tactics and Joint Manipulations Level One Course!

  • Are you interested in learning control tactics and joint manipulations for self defense?
  • Are you in an industry that Control Tactics are a vital part of your safety?
  • Do you want a program that is easy to follow and gives you techniques, tactics, and TRAINING METHODS?!

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you've found the right program!


Control Tactics may be the pinnacle for law enforcement and security, but they are also a great addition to a self defense strategy in the civilian market. We've taken our experience in working with over 100 LE agencies around the globe, dozens of security agencies, and thousands of hours of research to develop our Control Tactics program!


This course isn't just a few techniques, we've packed it with techniques, tactics, training methods, skill development drills, attribute development drills, and our unique training platforms that are the new gold standard in training!

  • Step By Step Videos on high leverage techniques
  • Our Training Manual
  • In depth overview of Control Tactics and Joint Manipluations
  • Techniques designed to incapacitate an attacker
  • Dealing with a Variety of Common Attacks
  • Dealing with Common Grabs
  • Proper Applications
  • Training Methods and Drills
  • How to Train with A Partner
  • Skill Building Drills
  • No Complicated Techniques


This course is a FULL Featured program that gives you all the tools you need to be successful and beyond!

  • Step By Step Video Instructions
  • Chapters organized in simple and progressive manner
  • Our Training Manual and Worksheets
  • Chapter Evaluations to help you
  • HD Video and Audio
  • Techniques
  • Training Methods
  • Lectures on the Science
  • Solo and Partner Training Drills
  • Skill Development Challenges
  • Training Tips on how to learn, train, and functionalize
  • Clear and Concise Instruction


With EVERY course we offer thru the S2 Online Academy we also give you:

  • Lifetime Access to our Closed Group Facebook page
  • Live Video Sessions every 2 weeks with the Instructor
  • Our Admin and Staff are there to answer any questions
  • Emails with tips, exclusive information and more!
  • Training Opportunities and Special Promo's to attend our seminars, classes, and events with DEEP DISCOUNTS!
  • EXCLUSIVE Meet Up Opportunities as we travel the globe
  • An entire community to train with, and use as resources

This isn't just another online course, it is access to an community that is here to support each other!

CEO and Director of Training Operations

Nik Farooqui

Nik Farooqui is globally respected instructor in the Defensive Tactics and Firearms industry as well as the martial arts community. He has been teaching and training to civilians, corporate, law enforcement, and military personnel for nearly 20 years. Nik's work has also been featured in several international publications including SWAT Magazine, BlackBelt Magazine and many others.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and Before We Begin

  • 3

    Mind and Body Training

    • Mind and Body

    • Kettlebell Complex

  • 4

    Technical Development Part 1

  • 5

    Technical Development Part 2

  • 6

    Technical Development Part 3

    • Skill Development: Technique Set 3

    • Inverted Wrist Lock

    • Straight Finger Tendon Lock

    • Pinky Tendon Lock

    • Kimura Shoulder Lock

    • Combination Flow Drill #3

    • Cummlative Drill #1

  • 7

    Working from Common Resistance Positions

  • 8

    Dumog: The Filipino Method

    • The FMA Way: Introduction to Dumog

    • Understanding Dumog Choke Points

    • Position 1: Dumog Inside Elbow

    • Position #2: Dumog Outside Elbow

    • Positions # 3 and #4: Dumog Shoulder Up and Down

    • Position #5: Dumog Neck Position

    • Drill #1: Dumog 1 for 1

    • Drill #2: Dumog 2 for 2

  • 9

    Skill Development Drills and Training

    • Drilling for Skill Development

    • Understanding Techniques vs Attributes

    • 3 Main Attributes to Focus On

    • Attribute Development Drill: 1 for 1 Mix

    • Attribute Development Drill: 2 for 2 Mix

    • Attribute Development Drill: Lop Sao/Bong Sao

    • Attribute Development Drill: Lop Sao/Bong Sao Switch

    • Attribute Development Drill: Lop Sao/ Bong Sao with Locks

    • Attribute Development Drill: Hubud Basic Shell

    • Attribute Development Drill: Hubud Switch

    • Attribute Development Drill: Hubud with Locks

    • Attribute Development Drill: Working from Striking (Cummulative Drill #2)

  • 10


    • Closing Thoughts and Info

    • Final Evaluation

  • 11

    BONUS: Advanced Drilling

    • BONUS: Training Triangle 1

    • BONUS: Focus Sparring for Control Tactics


5 star rating

Excellent course

Martin Fransham

I love how Nik walks you through attribute development all the way to how to incorporate these drills into sparring. It is incredibly educational and covers ...

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I love how Nik walks you through attribute development all the way to how to incorporate these drills into sparring. It is incredibly educational and covers everything you need to know to get rolling with control tactics.

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